יום חמישי, 3 באוקטובר 2013

Lost more than 30 Kgs in 3 months

Hi there againt,

I started my diet 3 months ago - and I think you can already notice a slight difference.

Back then I measured 139.6 Kg - which means BMI=42.6 ==> Morbid Obesity.
Now I weight 108.4 Kg - which means BMI=33.1 ==> Obesity.

I used to wear XXXXXL shirts and now I am down to XL :)
Wherever I go people who used to know the "old Aviel" never stop complimenting me.

My special lady was kind enough and very quick to help me arrange the following picture using her GIMP skills.

I also have to apologize for the change in the background - my old room was smaller with lots of clutter around...


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